History of the World
Costume Suggestions
Signup & Casting Questionnaire
Tips for Playing with Style and Success
2002 Rules
Whose game was empire, whose stakes were thrones;
Other realms took the place of the lost empire: mighty Tesla, greatest of those rising from the ashes; the Galilean Theocracy, claiming to preserve the old wisdom; the Heisenberg Alliance, declaring that no man may truly know the will of the gods; the Federated States of Quanta, tearing themselves from the grip of the Alliance; and the Hawking Nomads, wandering the vast plains. Every ten years they gather, all of them, in the City of Ten Thousand Magicians, for the Games. But Something Strange Is Going On . . .Are these the Thousand Year Games, when in ages past it was prophesied that the Empire of the Magicians would be reborn? Could this be why Tesla suddenly attacked the City? How did the Emir of Fire create those mighty magics, devastating the Citys defenses? What of the crisis at the very top of the Galilean Church, and the rumor that the Holy Books are missing? Why have the seagoing Quantans broken their long absence and come to the Games? Who assassinated the chief advisors to the Doubtful, ruler of Heisenberg? What mean the prophets who declare that the struggles of men echo in the very heavens? More Hawkings than ever are converging on the City, but they are even more reticent than usual. And they are not the only strangers who have come to the City, for this year, the prophets claim that the Great Game shall be won: the Great Game, where an empire may be won... or everything lost.
What is Live Role-playing?Journey to another world and another time in The Game of Empire, the latest live role-playing adventure from the Society for Interactive Literature West. Join 74 other players, and be transformed into a magician, thief, warrior, assassin, politician, spy, priest, nomad, or almost anything else you can imagine. Your character is described in a short story about your background and goals, not as a set of statistics. The simple, safe, card-based rules let you back your clever speech up with a little muscle (even if you're a klutz in real life), but encourage creative role-playing and dramatic interaction between characters. The only audience is you, and there's no script: your actions will shape the future. Live role-playing is a great way to meet new friends, solve mysteries, and save the world (or take it over!). Join us... |
When and Where?Date: 10-12 January 2003 Place: Hyatt San Jose, 1740 North First Street, San Jose, CA 95112. Call 408-993-1234 and mention SIL-West to receive our special room rate of $89/night, suites $149/night. Cost: $75, $85 after 15 Dec 2002, and $95 at the door. Gamesmasters: Steve Balzac, Aimee Yermish, Eric Boyer, George Cole, and Barry Eynon Signup & Casting Questionnaire Either version must be printed and mailed to SIL West with payment! |
278 Nimitz Ave, Redwood City, CA 94061 650-780-0403 www.silwest.com |
History of the World
Costume Suggestions
Signup & Casting Questionnaire
Tips for Playing with Style and Success
2002 Rules
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